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Loyola Open Access Theses and Dissertations

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Cognitive functioning in Parkinson's Disease

Body imagine in women, Self-perception in women, Body mass index, African American women, Psychology, Asian American women, Psychology, Women, white, Psychology, Body Cathexis Scale, Body mass index, Body Shape Questionnaire, Eating Attitudes Test-26

A comparative study of body image

College students, Mental health, Depression, Mental, Interpersonal relations, Beck Depression Inventory II, Network of Relationships Inventory Revised, Electronic dissertations

College students' social processes and their relation to depressive symptoms

Emotions, Social aspects, Emotions, Health aspects, Aversion, Positive psychology, Elevation Scale (Haidt), Structured Clinical Interview DSM-IV AXis II Personality Disorders Questionnaire, Disorders Questionnaire, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, Electronic books, Electronic dissertations

Elevation and its relation to depression and Axis II functioning

The relations among body image, religious affiliation, religious orientation measures, and gender

An evaluation of predictors of help seeking in a college student population

Clinical psychologists, Supervision of, Counseling psychologists, Supervision of, Counselor trainees, Supervision of, Supervision, Psychological aspects, Interpersonal confrontation, Electronic dissertations

The working alliance and conflict disclosure in the supervisory relationship

Dating (Social customs), Psychological aspects, Interpersonal relations in young adults, Social skills, Love in adolescence, Network of Relationships Inventory-Brief, The Measure of Adolescent Heterosocial Competence, Young Adult Version, Revised Conflict Tactics Scale, Electronic theses

Heterosocial competence as related to quality and aggression in college student romantic relationships

The association between parenting behaviors and empathy in emerging adults

On reading Maximus Confessor as a Scotist

Adjustment (Psychology), Nursing home care, Nursing home patients, Older people, Long-term care, Geriatric Depression Scale-8 item, Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), Electronic dissertations

Nursing home adjustment

Predicting parental response to adolescent peer victimization based on parent factors

Energy medicine, Bereavement, Treatment, Touch, Therapeautic use, Psychotherapy, Grounded theory, Mind and body, Spiritual healing, Electronic books, Electronic dissertations

The experiences and effects of healing touch as compared to psychotherapy on a bereaved population

Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire, Evaluation, Personality, Psychological testing, Psychiatric hospitals, Admission and discharge, Psychological tests, Evaluation, NEO Personality Inventory-Revised, Psychotherapy Outcome Assessment and Monitoring System, Balanced Inventory of Desireable Responding, Electronic theses

Personality and positive malingering

An examination of cognitive function in a dual task paradigm

Caribbean Americans, Religious life, African Americans, Religious life, Caribbean Americans, Spiritual life, African Americans, Spiritual life, Immigrants, United States, Caribbean Americans, Ethnic identity, African Americans, Race identity, Caribbean Americans, Cultural assimilation, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Ethnic Identity Measure, Acculturation Scale for Afro-Caribbean Immigrants

The effects of religiousness and spiritual transcendence on acculturation, ethnic identity, and overall life success of Afro-Caribbean immigrants and African Americans in the United States

Aggressiveness in adolescence, Interpersonal relations in adolescence, Adjustment (Psychology), Depression in adolescence, Adolescent psychology, Children's Coping Strategies Checklist, Children's Social Experience Questionnaire Self-Report, Electronic books, Electronic dissertations

Problem focused coping and rumination as moderators of the association between relational aggression and depression in adolescents

Probably PTSD, symptoms of depression, well-being, and life functioning in members of the United Steelworkers international labor union

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